On September 20th, 2021, Canadians will head to the polls to elect a new federal government, and there is so much at stake. As the country recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic and reckons with the climate crisis, our new government will make critical decisions about the path forward. We must ensure all parties and candidates know we want a just recovery from the pandemic that tackles the climate crisis, protects social services and the environment, promotes a healthy democracy, and centres the most affected communities.
The Big Questions
We have written these analysis pieces to help you ask important questions to your local candidates and make an informed decision when you cast your ballot.
Print and share this pamphlet to help when speaking to your local candidates: colour version | black & white version
We’d love to know how candidates respond to these questions - let us know here!
The COVID-19 pandemic has put Canada’s long-term care system in the spotlight, exposing its many failures and vulnerabilities. What do candidates think about taking profits out of care and establishing national standards?
Canada has no national strategy to protect our waters from pollution and privatization. Dozens of First Nations still have Drinking Water Advisories despite federal promises to solve these problems. How will candidates protect our water and fight off privatization?
Canada's electoral system is outdated and unfair. It distorts our electoral preferences and creates voter apathy in the process. How will candidates ensure more democratic elections in the future?
Forests are burning, scientists are sounding the alarm, and our governments are continuing to subsidize the fossil fuel industry while keeping Indigenous peoples out of critical climate decision making. Will candidates stand up to Big Oil lobbying?
Canada is still colonizing Indigenous peoples and their ancestral territories, and we are far from a state of reconciliation. What will candidates do to acknowledge the truth of this ongoing history and support Indigenous peoples in healing from this ongoing trauma?
The pandemic has revealed the undue influence of Big Pharma over our governments and our lives. Are candidates willing to stand up for universal pharmacare and an equitable global distribution of vaccines?
Send a letter to the editor
Chip in a donation now to help support our efforts
Our team is busy creating pamphlets and online resources with key questions for candidates and background to support this work. We’ll also lend a hand in writing letters to editors, and host calls and conversations with our Chapters and members to make sure they have what they need.
Can you chip in to help us produce, print, and ship these materials?
Go Vote!
Visit elections.ca for a checklist of everything you need to know on how to vote and FAQs.