Sluts Against Harper bribes voters with nude pics
By Arthur White
An Instagram account is sending out nude photos to anyone who can prove they voted, preferably against Stephen Harper.
Votes4nudes, alternatively titled Sluts Against Harper, has picked up more than 8,000 followers in just two days of operation. According to an associated Tumblr site, voters need to send in a photo of themselves by a polling station to show they made it out.
The site offers “bonus points” for photos that feature slogans like “#FUCKHARPER.”
In return, voters will receive scandalous photos of men or women, according to preference. The sample photos posted on the account so far are censored, with winky faces or cut outs of Stephen Harper’s head blocking out female nipples and all genitals, but still overtly sexual.
“Harper kills my vibe,” says one user, who used middle finger emojis to block out her nipples.
“2 cute 2 vote 4 Harper,” says another.